Our system is 99.99 reliable — here’s how
When you turn up your thermostat or fire up your gas stove to cook supper, you might wonder about the energy source behind these simple tasks.
SaskEnergy’s natural gas system spans across Saskatchewan. We serve about 411,000 customers through more than 72,000 kilometres of distribution gas lines.
We work hard to maintain a system that’s more than 99.99 per cent reliable. That means you can count on us year-round, whether for heating your home during the coldest of winter days or heating your pool during those beautiful summer nights!
At SaskEnergy, we invest about $100 million per year on maintenance, to make sure our system is as safe as possible. We spend upwards of 6,000 hours per year monitoring our system on foot, by vehicle and by air.
We also proactively replace older infrastructure through our Service Upgrade Program. When we’re upgrading our gas lines and connections in your neighbourhood, we do our best to notify you in advance and complete the work quickly.
Maintaining our gas line system means you have the energy you need when you need it. At a minimum, you can expect to see SaskEnergy once every four years while we’re completing maintenance or inspections in your area.
SaskEnergy is proud to provide our customers with reliable and affordable energy. We work hard to maintain a safe system for the people of Saskatchewan.
Learn more about our work in this video!