Pillar One: Environment

Environmental sustainability

Our environmental sustainability efforts focus on:

  • Reducing emissions from our operations
  • Supporting customers in reducing end-use emissions 
  • Protecting the local environment, including plant life, wildlife, water bodies, native prairie and species at risk.


valley landscape


Reducing our emissions from operations by 35 per cent by 2030

SaskEnergy is committed to the responsible delivery of energy to the residents, businesses and industries of Saskatchewan. We have set a target to reduce our emissions from operations by 35 per cent, from 2019 levels, by 2030

This includes emissions from:

  • our natural gas system
  • heating offices and facilities
  • electricity use
  • equipment used in operations.

Improving our operational efficiency

We've reduced our emissions from operations by more than 57,000 tonnes CO2e from 2019 levels, or 11.5 per cent.

Year-over-year emissions reductions

In 2022-23, SaskEnergy achieved year-over-year GHG emissions reductions of 22,200 tonnes CO2e, which is like taking nearly 5,000 vehicles off the road. The decrease in emissions was primarily due to infrastructure projects that saw the installation of higher-efficiency operational equipment on our transmission system.

Optimizing our electricity use

In 2022-23, we constructed our first large-scale solar project at one of our town border stations in Regina. The 176 solar panels at this site generate nearly 80,000 watts, which is enough to offset the station's annual power consumption.

For more than a decade, we've been installing solar panels at our natural gas pressure reduction stations and compressor sites. In 2022-23, we added 85-watt solar panels, and seven-day battery capacity, at an additional 40 sites. Approximately 400 SaskEnergy sites throughout the province now include solar power.

Capturing and rerouting compressor emissions

Since 2016, SaskEnergy has installed emissions-capturing devices on all new compressors. We also retrofitted existing compressors to reduce emissions from day-to-day operations. Throughout 2022-23, this technology captured 160,800 m3 of vented gas from compressors and rerouted it to be used as fuel. This resulted in emissions reductions of more than 2,900 tonnes CO2e and saved nearly $27,000 in fuel costs.


Reducing customer emissions

Helping customers reduce their emissions and meet their environmental goals is an important part of our energy stewardship strategy. It is also an area in which immediate environmental impacts can be made. 

Residential and commercial end-use emissions have declined by nearly 20 per cent over the last 20 years due to energy efficiency programs, improved building design and more efficient natural gas appliances. Decreasing energy usage is the most effective way for customers to reduce their emissions. SaskEnergy’s customer programs support the installation of high-efficiency equipment to optimize natural gas use. This allows customers to reduce end-use emissions and save money.

More than 54,000 tonnes of CO2e per year are now being saved in emissions by customers who have participated in our energy efficiency programs. This is equal to taking about 12,500 vehicles off the road each year.

person holding cut out of green house made of grass, with real grass in the ground in background

Protecting the local environment

From project planning and design through to construction, operation and reclamation, SaskEnergy is committed to environmental stewardship. This includes plant life, wildlife, water bodies, native prairie and species at risk.